Thank you for considering a volunteer position at The Buttonwood Tree!

Please email us at with the subject line VOLUNTEER.

Please include the following information in your email to get started:

    • Name and Preferred Pronouns
    • Phone Number
    • Town of Residence
    • What is the best way to reach you?
    • Any accessibility accomodations you require (we honor these!)

Volunteer options (select all that may interest you. For extensive duty descriptions, contact us):

__ Greeter for events (handles credit cards, reservations)
__ Concessions, serving refreshments  (handles credit cards, reservations)
__ Bookkeeping: QuickBooks experience preferred
__ Outreach: Putting up posters around Middletown or other places
__ General administrative / office support, includes simple data entry
__ Library: organizing, sorting & cataloging book space
__ Online marketing, loading our events to other websites
__ Grants
__ Fundraising
__ Phone calling
__ Cleaning and maintenance at TBT

Further, do any of these areas interest you?

__Live music
__Health & wellness
__Reiki / massage
__Disability Rights / Justice